Flexible Shaft Couplings

Coupling is a connecting device most commonly used in power transmission and it connects two shafts and also capable of dismantling without breaking any internal connection. But during the working of power transmission it does not separate. Moreover, for every coupling there is a force limit and if someone exceeds that limit it eventually detach. Main reason of coupling is in rotating machinery we face problem of connection of two moving parts with a space between them so we need a strong and reliable media in which the process can go smoothly and its installation is simple and its maintenance saves a lot of time. Additionally, it comes in almost all possible and workable sizes and decision about its purchase should be done under professional supervision.

It is used for a variety of purposes including mechanical flexibility, shock absorbing capacity of moving objects, security against overburdened processes and changing vibrating capacities of different rotating systems. There are three types of coupling first one is flexible coupling in which couplings are formulated for the purpose of transmission of torque and allow a little bit misalignment over different directions and angles. Second one is rigid coupling in which couplings are connected to make a fix connection between two moving objects and you will not be able to find any flexibility in these couplings. Third one is force limiting couplings and definitely as illicit from the name is designed to limit the force at the site of connection.

Couplings have several characteristics including ease and convenience in its connection and disconnection, transmission of power without any loss to the other site, proper and maximum transmission of power, improvements in life of machine, minimum accessories and easy installation. There are several reasons for the failure of these couplings. If the coupling is too old and wears a lot and is not repaired at a proper time then it might lead to breakage and any other complication. If, lubricant you''re using for its better performance is substandard and is not replaced when needed then it also is not healthy for your machine. Moreover, you should also act promptly when you hear any noise, screeching and squealing coming from a machine and should check all the aspects, evidence of presence when the cage should also be dealt seriously.
Couplings are very important for the life and durability of your machine and you should be curious about anything going wrong and signs of any imbalance should be judged quickly and acted promptly.