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Magnetic measuring scale with MR sensor head.
Thanks to its special properties, POSIMAG® is ideal for many industrial applications in the production of machinery, plants and precision equipment as well as research. POSIMAG® is suitable for linear, angular and speed measurements. The magnetic scale can also be applied to uneven surfaces.
POSIMAG® is a contact-free, high-resolution magnetic position measuring system for measuring lengths of up to approx. 30 metres. Because of its sturdiness and resistance to dirt, together with the system’s exceptional resistance to wear and tear, POSIMAG® is also suitable for use under challenging environmental conditions.
POSIMAG® consists of a magnetoresistive (MR) scanning head, and a magnetic measuring scale that consists of a flexible steel strip with a magnetic carrier layer laminated on top. This is magnetised at regular intervals with magnetic north and south poles. The measuring scale can be fastened in position using special adhesive fixing strip or also using pre-produced assembly rails with fastening straps. To protect against external mechanical influences, the magnetic scale has a covering laminate layer made from a thin, stainless steel strip.